Tozer DevotionalCollective Writings from the Books of A.W. TozerTozer Devotional - Savior But Not Lord- August 14, 2008 In the New Testament salvation and discipleship are so closely related as to be indivisible. They are not identical, but as with Siamese twins they are joined by a tie which can be severed only at the price of death. Yet they are being severed in evangelical circles today. In the working creed of the average Christian salvation is held to be immediate and automatic, while discipleship is thought to be something optional which the Christian may delay indefinitely or never accept at all. It is... Tozer Devotional - Turning from the World System- August 13, 2008 What, then, is that world against which we are warned by the apostles . . . . . . Here are a few infallible marks of identification: . . . 3. Godless philosophies. Whether they know it or not, they who belong to the world live by a creed, and by their fruits we may know what their creed is. The man of the world, despite his protestations to the contrary, actually accepts the sufficiency of this world and makes no provision for any other; he esteems earth above heaven, time above eternity, body. Tozer Devotional - Worldly Pollution- August 12, 2008 What, then, is that world against which we are warned by the apostles That world whose friendship constitutes spiritual adultery, the love of which stands in opposition to the love of God It is the familiar world of sinful human society which swells about and beneath us as the waters of the flood once surged and churned around the ark of Noah. No Christian need fail to recognize it, provided he wants to know what it is and where it is located. Here are a few infallible marks of identification:.. Tozer Devotional - Looking Beyond the Created World to the Creator- August 11, 2008 To persons brought up in the Judaeo-Christian tradition the thought that anyone should actually worship nature seems absurd, but we have only to step across into almost any of the cultures we call pagan to learn that such worship has been and still is common enough. Indeed there is scarcely a natural object anywhere that has not been worshiped by someone. The created world is to be prized for its usefulness, loved for its beauty and esteemed as the gift of God to His children. Love of natural... Tozer Devotional - The Believer and Worlds- August 10, 2008 The New Testament teaches that to be a follower of Christ it is necessary that a man turn his back upon the world and have no fellowship with it. Our Lord drew a sharp line between the kingdom of God and the world and said that no one could be at the same time a lover of both. This was also the teaching of Paul, James and John (2 Corinthians 6:14-18; James 4:4; 1 John 2:15-17). It is therefore of critical importance that we who claim to be disciples of Christ should check our relation to the.. Tozer Devotional - The Quiet of God in Our Noisy Living- August 9, 2008 The remedy for distractions is the same now as it was in earlier and simpler times, viz., prayer, meditation and the cultivation of the inner life. The psalmist said Be still, and know, and Christ told us to enter into our closet, shut the door and pray unto the Father. It still works. Let us return to ourselves, brothers, said the Greek saint Nicephorus, . . . for it is impossible for us to become reconciled and united with God if we do not first return to ourselves, as far as it lies in our.. Tozer Devotional - Experiencing God Despite the Distractions- August 8, 2008 In the normal course of things a certain number of distractions are bound to come to each one of us; but if we learn to be inwardly still these can be rendered relatively harmless. It would not be hard to compile a long list of names of Christians who carried upon their shoulders the burden of state or the responsibilities of business and yet managed to live in great inward peace with the face of the Lord in full view. They have left us a precious legacy in the form of letters, journals, hymns.. |