Mushrooms: Magic or Menace- May 31, 2008 Q: I know how the Church feels about drugs. I&8217;ve been in the Church my whole life and my father is a pastor. Still, I&8217;ve always wondered about natural drugs such as mushrooms. I&8217;m not talking about taking a bunch just to get high. I mean a &8220;once in a while&8221; thing, more for meditation. What do you thinkA: You sound like someone trying to convince himself that he&8217;s doing right, even though others consistently say otherwise. Granted, what &8220;the Church feels&8221;.. Attention, Shoppers!- May 30, 2008 Here&8217;s a Blue Print Special on Lutheran TheologyTomorrow is the last day to order the digital edition of Concordia: The Lutheran Confessions from Concordia Publishing House at the introductory price of $19.99 + S&H. Actually, today is your final chance to place a phone order from 800-325-3040, but you can go online yet tomorrow. This CD-ROM will integrate with existing Libronix libraries. However, you aren&8217;t required to purchase the Logos system, as it is integrated on the... The Nature and Blessings of Holy Communion- May 30, 2008 Q: My confirmation class needs to note differences between Reformed, Roman Catholic, and Lutheran teaching regarding the Lord&8217;s Supper. These involve 1) the church; 2) the elements offered; 3) what is received by the communicant after the Words of Institution; 4) what this is called; and 5) who benefits. Can you please help me with thisA: It&8217;s a little easier to summarize Roman Catholic and Lutheran teachings since, within their respective confessions, both Lutherans and Catholics... Sermon: Pentecost 2- May 29, 2008 MP3 Audio of the Sermon for 25 May AD 2008Sermon Text: Matthew 6:24-34Sermon Theme: Don&8217;t Worry ... be JoyfulOther Readings: Psalm 115; Isaiah 49:8-16; Romans 1:8-17&8224; What are your biggest worries&8224; What does ongoing anxiety say about your relationship with God&8224; What are people seeking after today&8224; Would you worry if you were completely content&8224; Contentment and joy cannot be commanded — they&8217;re gifts from... Sermon: The Holy Trinity- May 19, 2008 MP3 Audio of the Sermon for 11 May AD 2008Sermon Text: Matthew 28:16-20Sermon Theme: Always and ForeverOther Readings: Psalm 8; Acts 2:14a, 22-36; Genesis 1:1-2:4aAdditional Reference: Athanasian CreedTechnorati Tags: Trinity Sunday Feast of the Holy Trinity Holy Trinity Jesus Jesus Christ Christ Father Son Holy Spirit Holy Ghost Trinity Triune God 18 May 2008 May 18, 2008 Lutheranism Lutheran Church Christian Christianity Christian Church eternal life eternal eternity ... Focusing Jesus on Distorted Teachings- May 16, 2008 Q: I&8217;m a Christian, baptized and confirmed in the Lutheran Church, who likes reading about Christianity. The Jesus Is Savior web site disturbs me. The author fills it with essays denying much of what I&8217;ve been taught, from &8220;basic&8221; Christian beliefs to some Lutheran specifics. Some sections claim that Lutheranism is a false religion that will send its followers to hell. The article that specifically caught my eye involved especially teachings about the Christian Church and... Eyes, Teeth, and Lives- May 15, 2008 Q: Exodus 21:24 says &8220;eye for eye, tooth for tooth.&8221; What Scripture tells us that God wishes He would not have said thisA: Actually, no verse shows God having a change of heart or offering an apology. However, in the Law&8217;s completion in Christ, we Christians are given a more merciful path to follow.Before talking about that, though, we first need to understand this section of the Bible in its context. We look at it in AD 2008 and think, &8220;That&8217;s horrible!&8221; However,.. Apostles and Disciples, Then and Now- May 13, 2008 Q: What is the difference between apostles and disciples and how does this relate to us today My question may seem trivial but has been confusing to me as I study God&8217;s Word.A: Even if the answer isn&8217;t earth-shattering, anything leading to a greater understanding and application of the Scriptures is certainly worth the asking. In English, &8220;disciple&8221; looks suspiciously like &8220;discipline.&8221; That makes sense, since they both come to us from Latin via Old English and... |