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Feed items 81 - 90 of 130 for April 2008

The Journal of Theological Studies - current issue

The Journal of Theological Studies - RSS feed of current issue

Basil of Caesarea on Proverbs 8:22 and the Sources of Pro-Nicene Theology - April 2, 2008

Recent scholarship has increasingly questioned the traditional assumption that Athanasius of Alexandria was a major influence on Basil of Caesarea. This study seeks to make a concrete contribution to this debate by demonstrating that Basil's exegesis of Prov. 8:22, a verse whose interpretation was hotly contested in the fourth-century Trinitarian debates, was influenced by Eusebius of Caesarea rather than by Athanasius. Basil's use of Eusebius of Caesarea here should prompt us to reassess more..

Ignatius of Antioch: A Martyr Bishop and the Origin of Episcopacy. By ALLEN BRENT. - April 2, 2008

Did the Interpreters Get it Right Genesis 2-3 Reconsidered - April 2, 2008

A response to James Barr on the issue of how to depict God's words in Genesis 2:17 if the warning of death as a consequence of disobedience appears unrealized in the subsequent narrative. Barr's point that ‘lie’ is an inappropriate depiction is accepted, but the issue is recast in terms of whether God's words would be sheqer, unreliable. An interpretation of the overall narrative, congruous with the decision about the nature of God's words, is offered.

L'Ancien Testament dans l'ecclesiologie des Peres: Une lecture des Constitutions apostoliques. By JOSEPH G. MUELLER. - April 2, 2008

The Aramaic Documents in Ezra Revisited - April 2, 2008

In recent years there has been a significant shift in scholarly opinion concerning the Aramaic documents included in the book of Ezra; whereas 25 years ago their historical authenticity was widely accepted, more recent studies have claimed that they were fabricated by the biblical author. In the present article, the reasons for this change of opinion are examined, and it is concluded that in most cases the decision about authenticity is taken on the basis of extraneous considerations relating...

Theology and Families. By ADRIAN THATCHER. - April 2, 2008

The Roots of a 'Libertine' Slogan in 1 Corinthians 6:18 - April 2, 2008

Taking as its starting point Jerome Murphy-O’Connor's thesis that 1 Cor. 6:18b (‘every sin that a person commits is outside the body’) represents a Corinthian slogan, this essay suggests that a social, cultural, and religious matrix existed at Corinth from which the Corinthians could easily have constructed a slogan similar to that which Murphy-O’Connor envisages. Available evidence suggests that this slogan was developed, in part, by the convergence of at least two...

The Branches of the Gospel of John: The Reception of the Fourth Gospel in the Early Church. By KYLE KEEFER. - April 2, 2008

Richard Hooker and the Principle of Sola Scriptura - April 2, 2008

The traditional view that Richard Hooker argued for the religious authority of Scripture, reason, and tradition, in that order, has come under sustained criticism in recent years, especially from those scholars who assert that Hooker was in fact an orthodox Reformed theologian. Although Hooker placed a distinctively high value on the role of reason in authenticating Holy Scripture, it is claimed that this is fully compatible with the Protestant principle of sola Scriptura, and reflects wider...
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- April (130 items)
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