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Feed items 1 - 5 of 5 for February 2008

Angband and Zangband

Angband and Zangband -

(Untitled) - February 26, 2008

Slowly diving downwards. Found a greater vault at 3650' .. between it and a few dozen great wyrms, Basil is close to his end-game gear. I'm going to dive down more rapidly now, pausing only to kill uniques and clear vaults.The greater vault was very good to Basil. It contained a few greater wyrms, master qulythulgs, and Lungorthin, Gabriel, and Carcharoth. Gabriel gave me a bit of grief with his summons, and Lungorthin summoned Pazuzu to join in the party. All were slain, and the greater vault..

(Untitled) - February 21, 2008

Basil is currently decked out. He has all high resists save disenchant and shards, plenty of speed, lots of damage, decent (but not 18200) hp, etc. A few more gear upgrades and he'll be set to take on morgoth. I need to dive and fast :)At 2250' Basil found a greater vault. I've taken some screen dumps and posted them here. He spotted a long sword (4d5) sitting in the NE corner and made a beeline for it. Yep, my second character to find ringil! Also picked up the Golden Crown of Gondor and a...

(Untitled) - February 17, 2008

Stat-gain is basically done. My home is full of weapons and armor and items, see discussion (and dump) below the cut. I need some sustains and xp, and always more speed - and I'm perpetually dreadfully low on scrolls - but I'm ready to dive deeper. All the uniques I've fought except for Mim are dead.I'm having a hard time deciding what combination of gear to wear. Here are my calculations:Anguirel, Thrainduil, Rohirrim, Agility, = Dmg (+12)(+38,+52) : (3 2 + 52) 6 = 348, 384 evil, 420 demon .

(Untitled) - February 13, 2008

Let's hope posting a dump doesn't get me whacked immediately like last time :)Got a half-troll warrior sitting in stat-gain now. Just killed Lorgan - three times! The first two times a buggy ati driver crashed my xserver after I killed him and forgot to save. The third battle was much closer than the last two - Lorgan summoned the Queen Ant, an Emperor Wight (+10 speed, casts nether bolts), and a Death Knight (+10 speed, casts nether bolts, summons monsters). I ported most of the uglies away...

(Untitled) - February 6, 2008

Started a new character recently. Gen's been lucky so far, picking up a blessed sword early on with ESP. Situational awareness seems to help, since she's made it down to stat-gain.I've just recently swapped out her Robe 2,+8 and ring of Free Action for the Dwarven Plate and a Ring of Constitution +2. HPMP goes from 197156 to 220148 .. still not encumbered with her dungeon load-out (in the dump). I'll try this for a couple of dungeon runs and see how it goes.Ring of rPoison is ready in her home..
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