Call for participation, win 10,000- August 11, 2005 Art & Artificial Life International CompetitionThemeVIDA 8.0 is the seventh edition of this international competition, created to reward excellence in artistic creativity in the field of artificial life.In previous editions, prizes have been awarded to autonomous entities able to bring us pleasure (Tickle 2.0, Tickle Salon 5.0), engage us in irrational conversations (Head 3.0) or invade our social space (Cour des Miracles 2.0); virtual ecologies that evolve with user participation (Autopoiesis.. Conway's Game of Life- August 9, 2005 Achim Flammenkamp's Game of Life Page - Collection of resources on Conway's Game of Life.Color Game Of Life Visual Exhibition - Explore Conway's Game Of Life in color on the WWW, by George Maydwell.Conway's Game of Life Java applet by Alan Hensel - A very fast Java applet that displays a collection of the greatest patterns ever created in Conway's Game of Life.3D Game of Life - An animated 3D generalization of John Conway's Game of Life written in Java, with examples.David Ingalls Bell's... Download Game: 3D Artificial Life Floy- August 6, 2005 Artfificial Life Game: 3D Artificial Life Floy (by Alex Vulliamy). Two articles published on Artificial Life. You can download it from here- August 6, 2005 Autopoiesis and Cognition in the Game of LifeRandall D. BeerMaturana and Varelas notion of autopoiesis has the potential to transform the conceptual foundation of biology, as well as the cognitive, behavioral and brain sciences. In order to fully realize this potential, however, the concept of autopoiesis and its many consequences require significant further theoretical and empirical development. A crucial step in this direction is the formulation and analysis of models of autopoietic systems... Introduction to Artificial Life and Java Illustration- August 5, 2005 http:www.rennard.orgalifeenglishentree.html Artificial Life Resources- August 5, 2005 Artificial Life ResourcesENCORE!The Hitch-hiker's Guide to Evolutionary Computing.Nova GeneticaAn excellent resource for those interested in studying genetic algorithms.ZoolandA collection of resources for those interested in studying artifical life.ALife Bibliography"This is a semi-annotated list of on-line publications related to the field of Artificial Life. Over three hundred publications are available through these pages and the number keeps growing."Artificial Life GamesLinks to various... CellFighter Game- August 4, 2005 OverviewThis game is an entertaining extension of the famous Conway's Game of Life: rival swarms of virtual germs wage a war against each other to the death, and you takes part in this battle as a commander of your own army of "germs". The behavior of the living armies is highly amusing and unpredictable. A game challenge is whether you can retain control over all this chaos in real time.Like the real life, CellFighter incorporates features from action, strategy and puzzle games. Off-the-shelf.. LifeLab- August 4, 2005 LifeLab is a Mac application for exploring John Conway's Game of Life and other cellular automata. CAs were first studied in the mid-1950s by Stanislaw Ulam and John von Neumann. The subject became much more widely known in 1970 when Life was described by Martin Gardner in his Scientific American column.Life is played on an arbitrary-sized grid of square cells. Each cell has two states: "dead" or "alive". The state of every cell changes from one "generation" to the next according to the states.. Why is Life So Interesting- August 4, 2005 Life is one of the simplest examples of what is sometimes called "emergent complexity" or "self-organizing systems." This subject area has captured the attention of scientists and mathematicians in diverse fields. It is the study of how elaborate patterns and behaviors can emerge from very simple rules. It helps us understand, for example, how the petals on a rose or the stripes on a zebra can arise from a tissue of living cells growing together. It can even help us understand the diversity of.. Game of Life- August 4, 2005 The Game of Life (or simply Life) is not a game in the conventional sense. There are no players, and no winning or losing. Once the "pieces" are placed in the starting position, the rules determine everything that happens later. Nevertheless, Life is full of surprises! In most cases, it is impossible to look at a starting position (or pattern) and see what will happen in the future. The only way to find out is to follow the rules of the game. BackgroundLife was invented by the mathematician... |