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Feed items 1 - 3 of 3 for January 2008

Twelve Black Code Monkeys

Tech, gadgets, healt, nutrition, and other interests expounded upon or just quickly commented on with links to an interesting article or blog entry.

What's up with the canola oil, Whole Foods - January 27, 2008

I’ve been shopping at Whole Foods (a health-oriented grocery chain with many stores across the U.S.) for a good ten years now.  We’ve had them in the DC area since I came here 13 years ago.  It is definitely more expensive to buy things there, but my perhaps naïve assumption was always that the things I bought were hopefully a little healthier - without the preservatives, chemicals, high-fructose corn syrup, aspartame, trans fats, and other junk that’s rife in...

Mmmmm, Treo 800W.... - January 24, 2008

I&39;ve only had my Treo 700wx for about 4 months now, but it works very well for me.  Now Palm is finally unveiling a decent successor, the Treo 800W.  It has just about every enhancement I can think of outside of a multi-touch iPhone interface, and a bigger screen.  The only thing I don’t see mentioned is GPS capability, but given that other Palm devices are including this and the wealth of all other features, it seems pretty likely.  The only thing that I’m a..

Im back, baby! - January 22, 2008

Ok, well, maybe not exactly, but more or less.  At least that’s my fervent hope.  As readers here may have noticed, I have not posted an entry here in over a year!  That is a long time to go without blogging, especially for someone who tended to post not every day, but at least a couple times a month in most months, and often more than that. 2007 was a busy year for me personally.  My daughter turned two, and rapidly demanded more attention as she became totally...
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