Reffing in Bermuda- September 4, 2006 All the number plates on Bermuda's cars carry the slogan 'A different world' - and nowhere is this more true than in refereeing.The only real similarity with England is the shortage of officials - double and even triple headers are the order of most weekends - beyond that everything is different both in the recreational league and at the top level.Changing facilities at all but the national stadium are makeshift at best, most are just cupboards - giving pre-match instructions surrounded by... EPSOM & EWELL YOUTH LEAGUE- September 3, 2006 President Dennis Rulton: Chairman - David Goldsmith 020 8394 0490General Secretary Dick Page 01372 276678Referees Secretary Steve Smith: - 30 Holland Avenue Cheam surrey SM2 6HU14th July 2006Dear Referee Registration for the new season 2006 - 2007 To those referees registered with the league last season I would like to thank you, on behalf of the league, for your support during the 2005-06 season. The league values your contribution and trust that you will register again for the... Secretary - John Kasey- September 3, 2006 29 August 2006Dear AllNow that the long hot Summer has passed it is time for the real football to start.My thoughts on the World Cup were how disappointing it all was. The best players rarely showed their true ability and the matches were generally drab. I know everyone has their own ideas and you could use Touchlines to express these.The first meeting is nearly upon us. I have invited Alex Neil a 22 year old Level 4 to come along and talk about fitness and the avoidance of injury.The format of. |