About Physical TherapyGet the latest headlines from the About.com Physical Therapy GuideSite.Sprain Vs. Strain- June 22, 2008 Confused on how a strain differs from a sprain injury Read on! Sprain: an injury that affects the ligaments, thick bands of cartilage that attach bone to bone. Sprains...http://physicaltherapy.about.com/b/a/257691.htm Groin Strain- June 19, 2008 A groin strain occurs when the muscles of the inner thighs are stretched beyond their normal length. This results in tears within the muscle that cause pain and inflammation. ...http://physicaltherapy.about.com/b/a/257690.htm Quadricep Strengthening- June 15, 2008 The quadriceps (or quads) describe the four muscles located on the front of the thigh. They contract together to help flex (or lift up) the hip and extend (or straighten)...http://physicaltherapy.about.com/b/a/257689.htm Aging and Physical Therapy- June 9, 2008 As we age, we are more susceptible to certain conditions and disorders that would normally not affect younger people. Our balance becomes more unsteady and therefore the risk of falls...http://physicaltherapy.about.com/b/a/257688.htm The Unhappy Triad- June 1, 2008 The unhappy triad is a commonly used term in sports injuries. People often ask me what exactly is the triad. Well, the unhappy triad refers to a sprain injury...http://physicaltherapy.about.com/b/a/257687.htm |