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Feed items 1 - 2 of 2 for May 2007

La pobreza extrema en Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas. - May 23, 2007

Esto es una parte de una entrevista que hice a un habitante de la colonia Bruno Alvarez, en el poniente de la supuestamente exitosa ciudad fronteriza de Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas.Seguir sufriendo - pobreza en Nuevo Laredo.A pesar de lo que dicen los gobernantes de Nuevo Laredo, personas notables y demas adefecios de la sociedad fronteriza, sus mentiras se derrumban tan solo con darse una vuelta por esta ciudad de contrastes. Lo grave de este asunto es que por un lado la gente se llegue a tragar..

Yacanex - His rebellion against civilization - May 2, 2007

Yacanex was one of the principal Chichimec leaders in Tepetlaoztoc. The high ruler of all the Chichimecatlalli was Xolotl the Great. Now, Xolotl was marrying his daughers and grandsons with Toltec peoples who were already established even before Quetzalcoatl. This created Xolotl to have numerous great grandsons, and great-great grandsons becoming military captains, rulers, and chiefs all over the Chichimecatlalli (from Toluca to Veracruz).Now, Xolotl's descendants as well as he himself became...
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