Underhill NewsLocal news for Underhill, VT continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.The Clutter Barn is now open all summer- August 7, 2008 UNDERHILL - Clothes, glassware, electronics and even DVDs can be found and purchased on the last Saturday of each month all summer long at the United Church of Underhill's infamous "Clutter Barn." Before this ...http://www.topix.net/city/underhill-vt/2008/08/the-clutter-barn-is-now-open-all-summer?fro... Ellis-Carrier- August 1, 2008 Brandy Ellis and Ryan Carrier are engaged to be married. She is the daughter of Rinette Ellis of Colchester and Tom Ellis of Underhill.http://www.topix.net/city/underhill-vt/2008/07/ellis-carrier?fromrss=1 |