Which is more democratic- June 24, 2008 The following email was sent by me to Ms Monica Frassoni (pictured left), an Italian politician and Italian Green Party representative, who is also co-chair of the European Greens-European Free Alliance group in the European Parliament.I sent the email after hearing her comments in this video (just after the two minute mark).Dear Ms Frassoni, I hope this email reaches you. I write to you from Ireland with regards to some comments I heard you make in the European parliament. You said and I...http://unitedirelander.blogspot.com/2008/06/which-is-more-democratic.html Barack Obama, the US and values...- June 21, 2008 I'm sure there is a feeling amongst many of you that I haven't quite covered the Lisbon Treaty in enough detail here on United Irelander. I'm sure a lot of you are baffled as to where I stand on that issue for which I apologise. However I figured I'd turn my attention at this point in time to the United States who, as we all know, have their own election concerns to deal with. Obviously the US presidential race will be followed with great interest by many countries with Democratic candidate...http://unitedirelander.blogspot.com/2008/06/barack-obama-us-and-values.html Why did the young people vote No- June 21, 2008 I see a lot of people have been discussing the poor campaign put forward by the Yes side for the Lisbon Treaty on the back of new research which shows a majority of voters, including a majority of those who voted in favour, found the No campaign more convincing.RTE report that 68% of all voters, and 57% of those who voted Yes, thought the No campaign was stronger. The results were from a Eurobarometer telephone poll of 2,000 adults.What I found particularly interesting though was the fact that..http://unitedirelander.blogspot.com/2008/06/why-did-young-people-vote-no.html 'Irish are bloody fools' - Sarkozy- June 19, 2008 It just gets more unbelievable by the day. Now the EU have resorted to insulting us.'Bloody fools' is what Nicolas Sarkozy is reported to have told his aides according to le Canard Enchan weekly, say The Times.Following the result, Sarkozy fumed about the Irish:"They are bloody fools. They have been stuffing their faces at Europe's expense for years and now they dump us in the shit." The Times goes on to say:"He then ordered his government to play down the 'no', proceed with their plans and...http://unitedirelander.blogspot.com/2008/06/irish-are-bloody-fools-sarkozy.html How do voters kill off the Treaty- June 19, 2008 A fascinating interview here from BBC's Newsnight programme featuring European Commission Vice President Margot Wallstrm repeatedly avoiding the interviewer's simple question - what do voters have to do to kill off the Treaty You can sense the interviewer's exasperation as he tries to get Ms Wallstrm to deal with the issue. Alas, she's just as ignorant as the rest of them.What I particularly like though comes about forty seconds in...Interviewer: "Presumably they (the Irish) voted No 'cos they..http://unitedirelander.blogspot.com/2008/06/how-do-people-kill-off-treaty.html EU must be Potty...- June 18, 2008 The Lisbon Treaty rejection from last week was today debated in the European parliament in Brussels and I note that the president of the parliament, Hans-Gert Pttering, wasted no time at all ignoring the result of the Irish vote and insisting that ratification MUST continue.There is an opinion piece here from the potty Pttering outlining his position on the Treaty and it is sorry stuff indeed. I figured I'd look at the president's comments in detail. He writes:"On June 12, 2008 the citizens of.http://unitedirelander.blogspot.com/2008/06/eu-must-be-potty.html Where do we go from here- June 16, 2008 "Take care to get what you like or you will be forced to like what you get."- George Bernard Shaw As the fallout from last Friday's Lisbon Treaty rejection continues to rain down upon Brussels, our own Minister for Foreign Affairs Michel Martin was today facing the music from cheesed-off EU ministers. Naturally enough he himself has claimed otherwise, commenting that he was afforded 'overwhelming solidarity' and that there had been no discussion of putting the Treaty to another referendum. I...http://unitedirelander.blogspot.com/2008/06/where-do-we-go-from-here.html Get the message - No means No!- June 14, 2008 Wow, what a week! Friday was one of the most tense, dramatic and ultimately satisfying days I've ever experienced as a voter. I was so proud and relieved that the people of the country stood up for democracy and bloodied the noses of the beasts in Brussels. Whoever said Friday the 13th was an unlucky day was wrong! Friday the 13th proved to be a very fortunate day for Ireland and Europe. How close we, and the rest of the EU, came to handing over important powers to the sovereignty-grabbing EU..http://unitedirelander.blogspot.com/2008/06/get-message-no-means-no.html Referendum reactions- June 14, 2008 Here are a selection of videos on the fantastic decision by the Irish people yesterday to reject the Lisbon Treaty...ITN news (Britain):CNN news (USA):RTE news (Ireland):What I find terrific is that the overwhelming majority of comments left by Europeans are thanking Irish voters for striking a blow against the undemocratic EU. The Yes side prior to the election tried to make out that it would be unfair on the rest of Europe for the Irish people to vote No, however as I and many others argued,..http://unitedirelander.blogspot.com/2008/06/referendum-reactions.html Victory for democracy!- June 13, 2008 The votes have been counted and Ireland has voted No to the Lisbon Treaty!The result was won by 862,415 votes to 752,451 making it a 53.4% rejection versus 46.6%. Turnout was about 45%. (Edit - actually it was 53.1% BBC now report. Even better!)We have today sent the EU's plans into turmoil and it is truly a great day for democracy and national sovereignty, not just here in Ireland but within the EU as a whole.Already there is talk of the proposals being implemented in some other way and that...http://unitedirelander.blogspot.com/2008/06/victory-for-democracy.html |