Berkeley's disappearing open space- February 28, 2007 According to the editor of the Berkeley Daily Planet, Berkeley's open space is disappearing:"Livable Berkeley seem to think that covering every square inch of the scant remaining open space in Berkeley, green or paved, with new construction will make more people want to live here and fewer people want to move to new subdivisions in former cornfields"But when you look around, the kind of open space targeted by groups like Livable Berkeley are mostly parking lots. That's open spaceOtherwise, no... The parking fix- February 12, 2007 Good Wall Street Journal story lamenting the end of "what may be one of the last great urban bargains," metered parking. Of course, what makes it great is that market forces are finally coming to bear on such parking. (Unfortunately, this story is behind a pay firewall. Look in your local library for the Feb. 3-4, 2007 issue and turn to page P1.) |