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Feed items 1 - 2 of 2 for August 2008

I heart this man - August 12, 2008

The word out of Toronto is that Maple Leafs D Bryan McCabe is considering accepting a trade out of Toronto - if that is indeed true and it comes to pass, I will be the first person to congratulate Leafs GM Cliff Fletcher for accomplishing what was once thought to be impossible - moving the WORST contract in the NHL - and be the first to say:I HEART YOU MAN.More later.

My name is Pogue - August 9, 2008

and I'm a Manny-holic.That was the diagnosis given to me by Dr. Sparkylyle fan at the Hazelspeeps Group Treatment center on Yahoo.The condition is not life-threatening, but could take weeks, months or even years of rehab at a treatment facility staffed by members of Red Sox Nation who know exactly what Manny Ramirez is all about. "Manny-holism" is a complex affliction, often going undiagnosed, and manifests itself in many different behavioral tendencies - I really had no idea that I had...
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