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Feed items 1 - 4 of 4 for October 2007

Secession and Actual Democracy - October 22, 2007

If one takes a moment to observe the present day size of yesterday's worldly empires, noteablely Greece, France, Great Britain & Rome it is evident that in the end, "small was beautiful'.If France today witnessed it's government with a 30% or less approval rating, hence it's people would call a general strike and that government would grind to a halt and be headed for ouster rather quickly. But that is an example of "a government controlled by it's people". Ironically, the USA...

American Secession Project Status - October 19, 2007

It seems appropriate at some point in the course of a project like this to step back and evaluate the progress that has been achieved. This project began in earnest on May 27, 2004. The original charter of the project is exactly the same today as it was almost three and a half years ago, that place the concept of secession in the mainstream of political thought. Our intent is to proclaim that secession is a viable and legal right and a practical solution to contemporary problems..

MySpace Page - October 18, 2007

If major corporations can do it so can ASP. We have a new MySpace page- Visit us and "be our friend"


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- October (4 items)
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