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Feed items 1 - 2 of 2 for February 2008

Too Many Chefs

Spoiling the Broth since February, 2004.

Chicken Soup with Rice - February 25, 2008

Big brother's first snowman did not make it to its first anniversary...or even past its first hour. But the boys had fun building him! In February it will be my snowmans anniversary With cake for him and soup for me! Happy once, happy twice, happy chicken soup with rice. - Maurice Sendak, Chicken Soup with Rice When the wind is whipping around and the rain is beating on the window, I often find myself muttering the verses of this classic children's book. There is something so comforting in the..

Winter Sun Sardines Starter - February 18, 2008

When I sat down to write this post, I had to select a category for the recipe. As you'll see in the sidebar, we have a lot of recipe categories. But we don't actually have one specifically for starters. Appetizers, yes - but those are not really the same thing to me. I guess it has to do with the fact that, despite our name, we are not so much chefs at TMC, as cooks. You may wonder why we chose the name Too many chefs when Too many cooks would have been a) more accurate and b) a...
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