The Vegetarian CommunityThe Vegetarian Community - LiveJournal.comFirmer Tofu- June 20, 2008 I'm hoping you guys can help me with this. I've been an off-and-on vegetarian for years (officially back on the wagon, thanks!), but I've never mastered the art of cooking tofu. I like it really firm, but it seems like no matter how I cook it, even if it looks fantastic on the outside, it's always soft and mushy on the inside. I've gotten some really firm cooked tofu before - specifically at Open Harvest here in Lincoln, Ne - where it's nearly a meaty firmness. Can... TVP- June 20, 2008 Okay, I went into a health food store this morning and saw some textured vegetable protein. Now, I've heard good things and bad things about TVP, and I have no idea what they are. It looked really tasty, so could someone give me some insight And, what are some good recipes that use TVP Thanks!Christine chicago- June 19, 2008 Anyone know any good vegetarian restaurants in Chicago The cheaper the better. I'm dead broke and making the trip out there this weekend to visit some (omni) friends.Thanks! Vegetarian and Vegan Restaurants in Portland and Seattle- June 19, 2008 Hey everyone,I'm taking a trip to Portland and Seattle later this summer, and I would love to know the best veg places to check out. I've already been doing some research on what places are decent, but I always read this community and I would love to hear some of your recommendations.Thanks!! (Untitled)- June 18, 2008 I'm not really sure if this is fitting for this community, but, I really had no idea where else to ask this.My step-dad is a truck driver, and recently had work up in the Poconos. When he came back to town, he found a nest of baby birds in the back of his trailer, with no mother to be found. After the guys at work joked around about feeding them to their dogs, he brought them home (which I'm kind of surprised at, he's a hunter, and usually very emotionless when it comes to animals). So, now... how organic product are grown with by products from slaughter houses...- June 18, 2008 Well organic food is not so much for vegetarians... not only do they use by-products such as blood from slaughter houses to fertilize but they also use the "shit" from all these non humane farm where all these animals are confined to a box... how can I go and buy any veggie now... maybe I should grow them myself... or alltogether stop eating untill I just vanish... it is so disgusting... and this is not the case in Europe but only here in the US... what's wrong with this world ! here is the... This is not an animal rights post.- June 17, 2008 After getting home from work and being instantly barraged with how I should eat meat, and oooh it's so delicious, blah blah blah (which is unusual for my Mom), I tell her that if I could just have 10mins of her time, I would show her why I made this choice.We watch the Meet Your Meat video. Dad comes home at the beginning and watches it too.Now they're mad at me. "I could have lived my whole life without seeing that" and, "I don't know Rach... those are some pretty graphic images..."What the... 30 Days- June 17, 2008 Ok, I'm cross posting this in Animal Rights and Vegitarian because it may apply in either community. For those of you who do not know, Morgan Spurlock, the man who created and starred in Supersize Me, is married to a vegan chef. Alex, his wife, sends out a monthly news letter, to which I am subscribed. My husband Morgans documentary program is in its 3rd week of season 3 and this may be one of the best episodes yet! Get the low-down:ANIMAL RIGHTS EPISODE: PARTICIPANT - George Snedeker,... (Untitled)- June 16, 2008 This isn't a veg question, but I figured since most of you are knowledgeable about food, someone might know the answer. Is it possible to make a rue with whole-wheat flour instead of white flourThanks! (Untitled)- June 16, 2008 Hello everyone.So I have this dilemma. I just moved to the East Coast (yay Boston!) and ever since I got here, I've been craving a clamcrablobster bake but obviously without the meat. Is there any way to replicate those flavours in a veggie way I've made tofu crab cakes before with lots of old bay and they were pretty good but this would be new england chowder and fresh seafood.I absolutely adore being veg but I do miss the flavours that come with seafood and thus far it has been the only thing. |