The Parenting WeblogParenting, Family, and Child HealthNext child star- May 9, 2008 Have any of you been watching VH1&39;s I Know My Kid&39;s a Star series The premise is a group of ten children and their mothers (+ one dad) compete in a series of challenges to see who is ready to be the next &39;child star&39;. Most of the child were eight to twelve years old, with your basic range of talents - acting, singing, dancing - in varying degrees. Each week someone goes home and in the end, the winner gets a deal with an agent and a bag of cash. The idea of judging the parents... Love and Logic- May 8, 2008 So often when sitting around with friends talking about parenting and our kids, we end up back to the discussion of discipline. I would not presume to tell anyone how to parent but I wish I had a pocket sized version of our favorite books to pass out to frustrated parents. Parenting with Love & Logic is by far the most practical and understandable parenting book I&39;ve ever read. "Love and Logic is a philosophy of raising and teaching children which allows adults to be happier, empowered,... Parents Are Still People With Real Wants and Needs- May 8, 2008 Matt Finley As parents, our lives revolve around our kids. We (hopefully) made the choice to procreate, and now we are committed for life. That&39;s just the way it is. There&39;s a high level of commitment required as a parent, but that doesn&39;t mean we&39;re dead. We still have feelings, and we still need to find ways to relax, and sometimes a last minute date without the kids can work wonders for your relationship. Last Sunday we did just that. I&39;ve been planning on attending the... Candeloos- May 4, 2008 Candy and Lou are a rather handy duo in our home. They arrived about three years ago and haven&39;t stopped working yet. Candeloos are safe, portable lamps - ones that are perfectly sized for small hands, easy to recharge and most importantly don&39;t heat up to burn a child. They last about eight hours on and have two levels of brightness. I went looking for some type of child safe rechargeable lighting when our daughter went through a stage where she was damp at night. We&39;d worked... Outnumbered by party urchins- May 2, 2008 God grant me the serenity to accept the things squabbles I cannot change stop; courage to change the things supervise where I can; and wisdom to know the difference. I&39;m whispering that continuously to myself in hopes that our daughter&39;s birthday party doesn&39;t become a 22 kid free for all. At ten, I&39;m hoping this birthday party will have less messes, less accidents, less boo-boos, less tears and less screaming at the top of their lungs. That no children will bounce on each... |