Washington Boro NewsLocal news for Washington Boro, PA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Rescue Teams Spend Third Day in Search of Missing Boater- May 24, 2008 Manor Township, Pa. Rescue dogs have identified several points of interest in the search for a missing Lancaster County boater, according to emergency officials.http://www.topix.net/city/washington-boro-pa/2008/05/rescue-teams-spend-third-day-in-searc... Police log: Search under way for missing boater- May 21, 2008 State and local authorities are searching the Susquehanna River for a boater presumed missing.http://www.topix.net/city/washington-boro-pa/2008/05/police-log-search-under-way-for-missi... Garden Tours: At home, on display- May 15, 2008 "You couldn't duplicate it another place. It's a terrific design. It accommodates what we wanted to do. "I love looking at it, sitting in it, working in it." Joe and Sandy Weidel reside in Ironville, in an old farmhouse with a brand-new patio garden. via LancasterOnlinehttp://www.topix.net/city/washington-boro-pa/2008/05/garden-tours-at-home-on-display?fromr... Diner, townhouse fires: $225K damage- May 13, 2008 "There was no visible fire, but heavy smoke damage in the interior." Early-morning fires destroyed a small restaurant along Route 272 in Little Britain Township and did major damage to a townhouse home near Mountville in Manor Township. via LancasterOnlinehttp://www.topix.net/city/washington-boro-pa/2008/05/diner-townhouse-fires-225k-damage?fro... |