Venice Gardens NewsLocal news for Venice Gardens, FL continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Best Bets- April 30, 2008 Cinco De Mayo potluck dinner dance. 5 p.m. social on Monday at the Venice Gardens Civic Center, 406 Shamrock Blvd. via HeraldTribune.com For long-ago lapse, county sends a bill- April 25, 2008 "It's bizarre. It can't be a 'reminder' if you've never been told in the first place." Sixteen years ago, someone didn't mow the lawn at 950 Brengle Ave., and now Sarasota County wants to charge me more than $600 for it. via HeraldTribune.com Summit hopes to improve relations- April 13, 2008 "We want to help community leaders connect around issues that are important to them" Ashley Bower thinks adults have a lot to learn about teens. Linda Lukas thinks there is a lot teens don't know about older adults. via Bradenton Herald Best Bets- April 1, 2008 "Duo con Fuego -- The Music of Argentina and Spain" The Venice Symphony, classical concert. 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. Saturday at Venice Church of the Nazarene, 1535 E. Venice Ave. via HeraldTribune.com |