ã‚ーé™ã‹ãªé™ã‹ãªå¨˜ã®è¦–野ã§ã‚ーé™ã‹ãªé™ã‹ãªå¨˜ã®è¦–野㧠- LiveJournal.comOh yeaaaah!- November 14, 2007 I forgot to plug this.I may not be an employee for much longer but...CHILD'S PLAY IS UP AND RUNNING!!I think this will be one of the few charities I plug, ever. It helps that it's my hospital that the Penny Arcade folks started the whole idea of Child's Play with, but its seriously a great idea. Donate things that these hospitals are asking for and help make some hospital bound child's life just a little better.For Children's Hospital itself, this is a GREAT thing since we can take the money...http://midorigirl.livejournal.com/663809.html Forget the happy dance- November 5, 2007 I'm doin' the Happy Disco!GOT ME A JOB IN JAPAN!!!http://midorigirl.livejournal.com/662215.html |