Sua SponteMy law school odyssey: the ongoing narrative.excelsior- July 30, 2005 While I was out doing laundry and getting the car Jiffy Lubed yesterday, my husband was saying his goodbyes to the folks with whom he's worked for the past six years and change. My school adventures may be over, but... and evening and morning were the third day- July 29, 2005 No bar exam should be three days long, under any circumstances. Sure, there are those brave souls who sit for two different jurisdictions at the same administration; but at the end, if all goes according to plan, they're actually admitted... and evening and morning were the second day- July 28, 2005 Two cups of coffee yesterday gave me so much energy. Even that bizarro mutant propertycontractsotherstuffImissed crossover question did not faze me, as I steamed onward like a caffeine engine. But the selfsame two cups of coffee did not wear off... and evening and morning were the first day- July 27, 2005 I'm pretty sure it was Oakland that Dorothy Parker Gertrude Stein 1 was talking about when she first quipped that "there's no there, there." There really isn't. The view out my window on the fifteenth floor of the Marriott is... off to the races- July 26, 2005 This is it, kids. 'Tis a finer thing we do than...well, than we've been doing lately. Does it strike anyone else that actually taking this exam, much though it's likely to suck, can't possibly be worse than studying for it... all aboard- July 25, 2005 The last time I did this, I was afraid. The last time I parked my car at the far end of the parking lot, unloaded a bag on wheels from the trunk, and walked the four blocks to the train... uninformed- July 25, 2005 I should know this by now, but ah well: Of the two essay days on the California bar, is one day 100% topical and the other 100% performance, or is each day 50% topical and 50% performance And can I... worth noting- July 24, 2005 Today would have been my late father's sixtieth birthday. I wonder what his bar exam was like. I wonder if he ever imagined eventual children of his, going through the same thing. I wonder how my own potential eventual children... jet lag- July 24, 2005 Waking up at 3 AM local time is not the best way to optimize one's in-flight productivity on a 6:45 AM crosscountry flight. I've got something like motion-induced narcolepsy in any event: sit me down in a plane, train, or... taxiing- July 23, 2005 Packing. For the last time. For the last flight to California that is currently in our plans. Of course, plans may change. For now, though, we fly out of Logan Airport at 6:45 am tomorrow. Somehow, a passel of PMBR... |