Allensville NewsLocal news for Allensville, PA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Neighbor With Fire Extinguisher Helps Save Amish School- December 19, 2007 Quick action by a neighbor kept a fire from destroying an Amish school house in Mifflin County. via WGAL School catches fire: Belleville man comes to rescue after seeing the flames from his farm home- December 18, 2007 "It looks like it was contained to the wall beside the chimney" Thanks to Sam Swarey, a fire that broke out late Monday morning in the White Hall Amish School was contained until emergency personnel arrived. via The Sentinel Union may be tapped for closure: Declining Brown enrollment may force ...- December 17, 2007 "I didn't think the issue was dead, but I was surprised it was brought up that soon" It is deja vu for parents of Union Elementary pupils, as a suggestion to close the school has come up as a result of district budget talks, members of an advocacy group said Sunday. via Lewistown Sentinel |