Ursina NewsLocal news for Ursina, PA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Magistrate reports for- December 29, 2007 "Let's just say I'm drunk 'cause you are going to arrest me anyway" DUI charges filed Conemaugh Township police have filed a complaint against Joel Jeffrey Shepler, 37, Washington Street, Tire Hill, charging him with driving under the influence. via The Daily Americanhttp://www.topix.net/city/ursina-pa/2007/12/magistrate-reports-for?fromrss=1 Ursina seeks sewer project funding- December 18, 2007 "We hoped to get PENNVEST funding, but we did not" Ursina Borough officials are scrambling to find grant money for a $2 million public sewer system that would eliminate untreated discharge into Laurel Hill Creek. via The Daily Americanhttp://www.topix.net/city/ursina-pa/2007/12/ursina-seeks-sewer-project-funding?fromrss=1 Ursina couple's home destroyed by flames- December 5, 2007 "The structure is damaged beyond repair." Bernard Scarlett and his wife were sleeping early Sunday when their fire alarm sounded. via The Tribune-Democrathttp://www.topix.net/city/ursina-pa/2007/12/ursina-couples-home-destroyed-by-flames?fromrs... Blaze damages Ursina couple's house- December 3, 2007 "Everyone should make sure they have working smoke detectors in their house." Eight fire departments helped to extinguish a fire at the Bernard Scarlett residence along Weyand Street in Ursina early Sunday morning. via The Daily Americanhttp://www.topix.net/city/ursina-pa/2007/12/blaze-damages-ursina-couples-house?fromrss=1 |