- Spoof NewsSpoof News and Political SatireiPhone or iPorn- (Found June 29, 2008 ) CUPERTINO, CA - The iPhone 2.0. The new crown-jewel of Apple Inc. promises to be much improved over its wildly popular original incarnation. And while its speed, and sleek design may be causing nerds and tech-dorks to sport, its the new iP... Few crude refinements at OPEC snake-oil summit- (Found June 29, 2008 ) Jeddah, Saudi Arabia - (Ass Mess): Political leaders at the Organization of Petroleum Jelly Exporting Countries summit had a right laugh this afternoon. Man U to be wound up- (Found June 29, 2008 ) The Glazer brothers have announced that Manchester United, the former football team, is about to be wound up. President Bush in Awe of Mugabe- (Found June 29, 2008 ) (Washington, DC) - President Bush today said that he was watching the election in Zimbabwe &39;very closely,&39; and hoped to pick up more reelection tips as the process continued. Referring to the current president of the African nation alterna... |