Spring House NewsLocal news for Spring House, PA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Startup Mania: Ideablob, LaunchBox Use Web To Find Entrepreneurs- March 13, 2008 "We thought that were was a great opportunity to create this kind of model here on the East Coast." Take Aaron Fleishman, a 23-year-old chemical engineering major at Penn State. Fleishman just won $10,000 in a startup competition hosted by ideablob.com--funds he will use to develop a prototype cell ... via MediaPost Publicationshttp://www.topix.net/city/spring-house-pa/2008/03/startup-mania-ideablob-launchbox-use-web... Philadelphia's real estate market improving- March 10, 2008 "Every day there are 20, compared with the normal of five to seven." The local real estate market is starting to loosen a bit. Showings in some neighborhoods are up substantially this year, agents report, after being down almost 50 percent between August and the end of 2007. via The Philadelphia Inquirerhttp://www.topix.net/city/spring-house-pa/2008/03/philadelphias-real-estate-market-improvi... Paint Can Boost Your Home's Curb Appeal- March 7, 2008 SPRING HOUSE, Pa. - Are you planning to spruce up your home ' s exterior this spring Or, are you considering placing your home on the market No matter what the reason, a fresh coat of paint can immediately ... via Earth Timeshttp://www.topix.net/city/spring-house-pa/2008/03/paint-can-boost-your-homes-curb-appeal?f... Oh my Lord it's beer week- March 5, 2008 Philly Beer Week , the ten day celebration of beer and all the merriment that goes along with it, gets underway this Friday with a kickoff event and ceremonial keg tapping at the Market Place at East Falls that ... via PhillyBurbs.comhttp://www.topix.net/city/spring-house-pa/2008/03/oh-my-lord-its-beer-week?fromrss=1 Color Expert with the Rohm and Haas Paint Quality Institute Offers...- March 3, 2008 "Environmentally friendly low-VOC paints are popular for a variety of reasons, most notably because they lack odor. This allows consumers to put recently painted rooms back into use almost immediately after being painted" Steadily gaining popularity in recent years, homeowners are taking this trend a step further by extending it to the type of paint they choose. via PR-inside.comhttp://www.topix.net/city/spring-house-pa/2008/03/color-expert-with-the-rohm-and-haas-pain... Silver Spring House Moved To Make Room For Green Estate Project- March 1, 2008 A home on Briggs Chaney Road in Silver Spring was moved Friday afternoon to make way for Montgomery County's first green development. via WRC Washington DC Channel 4http://www.topix.net/city/spring-house-pa/2008/03/silver-spring-house-moved-to-make-room-f... |