King Arthur flour -- worth the extra $$$- June 29, 2008 In another thread, Mike (last name) opined that KA flours were a triumph of marketing, and not necessarily the best flours for the money. I&39;ve been spending the extra money to get KA whenever I possibly can, convinced that this is going to give me better bread. And yet ... when I look back on the times that I&39;ve had to use other flour, like Stone-Buhr, I don&39;t remember noticing any great difference in outcome. I do notice a difference between regular WW and KA white WW, and buy the... The great baguette quest N2 - Acme's rustic- June 29, 2008 Well, I haven&39;t been around much lately, just too busy! But yesterday I decided to read the directions VERY carefully and try the Acme rustic baguettes once again. Howard&39;s looked so great, I figured I should try again respecting every single step because I didn&39;t last time. The difficulties I found were the flour and the weather. It&39;s HOT, around 30C and over 25C in the kitchen. Things went fast and I&39;m not used to this extra heat with this type of bread. I think I got them in... California fires- June 29, 2008 I hope nobody will mind this off topic posting but I have been concerned about the members living in northern California where the fires are so dreadful - over 1,000 according to the news this morning. I hope you are safe and well, Rosalie and all the other TFL members, you are in my thoughts, A. Acme's rustic baguette crumb- June 29, 2008 Acme's rustic baguette crust- June 29, 2008 Fabulous Focaccia- June 29, 2008 A few years ago when I was dreaming about baking good bread I stumbled across Mike Avery and his Sourdough Home web site. http:www.sourdoughhome.comindex.html . For me it was a great find and Mike was very kind with me as I stumbled through the beginnings of learning to bake simple breads. After I was on my way and had been using some of his key recipes with success, I decided to purchase his self published recipe book. I figured he had earned my support after spending so much time holding my... Pain de siciliano crumb- June 28, 2008 Pane Siciliano - from BBA- June 28, 2008 Count me in. It will probably be toward the end of the week however, Maybe Wednesday or Thursday at the latest for me. I want to take another shot at Pain de Campagne tomorrow. I have both durum and semolina flour and and notice the recipe says you can use either. I&39;ll use whichever you don&39;t want to try. Anybody else wany in on this experiment I know you&39;d be welcome. Mary Sopressata different- June 28, 2008 I am looking for a blog of making italian sausage, Sopressat, Pepperoni, Abruzzi and other great sausage from Italy, I would like to try this in the fall, But have failed to find a good place on the internet that covers this topic. Any help would be great. |