AldoblogMichael Alderete’s WeblogiPhone user interface quirk 1 for audiobooks- April 24, 2008 Dan Sanderson provides a clear explanation, including pretty good photos, of one of the user interface &8220;quirks&8221; that can get you when using the iPhone for audiobooks, namely, the iPhone&8217;s indicator and toggle buttons for Repeat and Shuffle modes are somewhat hidden, not 100% clear, and can be toggled accidentally if you&8217;re not careful. When listening ... Free audiobooks via podcasts- April 16, 2008 The San Francisco Chronicle recently ran a story about fledgling authors who get their start by publishing their books online, via podcast: Take my book. It&8217;s free. Giving away books as podcasts is new way to promote sales. The basic idea is, the author reads their novel a chunk at a time, recording it, and publishing ... |