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Feed items 1 - 6 of 6 for January 2002

tin_the_fatty: Food and Drinks

"The last mint, Sir?"

(Untitled) - January 26, 2002

On this cold evening, I just had a cup of latte with Baileys. Nice. Went to Cass Pang's concert last nite. She talked too much, and didn't sing enough. In the first half of the concert her performance was disasterous. The sound engineer should be shot. They probably didn't rehearse enough as so many things went wrong. The production crew was incompetent. Her sessions with Wong Yiu-Ming and Paul Wong had no spark whatsoever. Very disappointed.

(Untitled) - January 24, 2002

Now that I am nearly there regarding the grinding size of the coffee going into the filter of my espresso machine, I am starting to experiment. I am still stuck with crap coffee from the TW folks, and I have yet to meet up with Jimmy to obtain some benchmark coffee, so I have gone off straight espresso for now. However, Jimmy was kind enough to send me some reading materials on coffee, and I have been trying to make some latte tonite. I am getting the hang on steaming the milk, and made two...

(Untitled) - January 19, 2002

Yes! Finally, crema! Nothing was going right with my previous attempts to make a decent cup of coffee with the espresso machine. Discussed with friends on the net and on the phone. We suspected that the coffee was grinded too finely. Jimmy even offered to provide me with some benchmark coffee! I have been busy all week so couldn't take up his offer. I went back to Welcome's and bought some more coffee at the TW Coffee Concept booth, only this time I grinded the coffee quite a bit coarser than..

(Untitled) - January 12, 2002

I have been unable to produce that crema on my espressos. All I got was some oily greasy patches. Yes I pressed the coffee powder very hard into the metal filter. Must be the cheap coffee. The steam pipe is still leaking, although much slower than yesterday. Today is the third day I got the machine, and I can still take it back for a new one or have my money back. Maybe I should.

(Untitled) - January 11, 2002

My second cup of espresso for the evening. A few complaints: it's too slow. It's not as hot as I'd like. The steam pipe is dripping water. Maybe I should take it apart and see what I could do about it. Having said the above, I must say espresso is an excellent way to relax oneself. I am feeling a bit dreamy now.

(Untitled) - January 10, 2002

I must be mad or something. I have not mentioned anything about my new digital camera, or the 2nd hand slide scanner I am about to acquire... but I am talking about this low-tech home-use espresso machine which I just bought today. It's a Krups Espresso Primo, which is no longer made. The local agent is doing their annual grand sale. Espresso machines like this starts from about HK$2K, but I got mine for HK$500. Not bad at all. But it's not all without problem. When I took it home, it wasn't...
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