- HumorLatest Article Headlines from for HumorMy Child Has Opie Eye!- (Found June 29, 2008 ) the silence in the house is broken by my child's callto me, from another room, 'Mom, .. Money Really is a Laughing Matter- (Found June 29, 2008 ) The Joyful Banker ( is a fool service non bank a parody of all things financial. Unlikea normal bank, it has no limits on how much a person canwithdraw (even without an account). Men Will Eat Anything- (Found June 29, 2008 ) Ancient hunting and gathering feelings never die... they are around in the 21st Century. Short story: Take a trip to the Temple of the Great Tomato.- (Found June 29, 2008 ) Jimmy Jenkins Jr. is not an adventurer, traveler, or pioneer. Far from it, Jimmy has had the same job, in the same office for 15 years. I wanted to crack this man's shell of monotony and blandness, but how The Silly Essay- (Found June 29, 2008 ) Sometimes we need to be a little irreverant when life presents as intense and tough Timothy Ward IS Hotter Than You- (Found June 29, 2008 ) Timothy Ward takes a humorous look at A Deep Look at Soap Operas- (Found June 29, 2008 ) Here is a humorous look at soap operas 36 years ago. See how closely they mirror today's offerings. This will also show an author how NOT to run sentences on. Detecting Love in a Land of Donuts- (Found June 29, 2008 ) The day I put my date through an Israeli security services voice detector Junk in the Trunk- (Found June 29, 2008 ) Teenage slang translated. |