TJ's WeblogTechnology, Venture Capital and EntrepreneurshipWelcome to our world little babies- November 19, 2007 What a joy it is to have two little babies (yes twins). It&39;s an amazing feeling that nature has interwoven into our DNA - but it&39;s such a pleasure - just looking at our babies is one of the most entertaining things I ever come across in my life. See full article. Related Entries: Study shows Premature babies are not significantly different from full term babies later in life - 10 February 2006 Photographing Babies and Children. - 24 April 2006 Why Babies Cry - 10 September... Sponsored Post: Get the Word on Word of Mouth Marketing Summit- November 2, 2007 Vegas is a happening place these days, and it&39;s not all due to the casino action. This coming November 14th through the 15th, Vegas will be the hot spot for all those market gurus out there as they discuss a number of word of mouth marketing trends and industry issues such as social networking, branding, and alternative marketing strategies. Some of the key note speakers for this summit include Jeff Bell, Corp. VP of Global Marketing, Interactive Entertainment Business, Microsoft; Richard.. |