The Cider House Rules NewsNews on The Cider House Rules continually updated from thousands of sources around the net.Heavy D., Kane, & Doug E. Fresh Planning Tour- January 27, 2008 "What happened is there was sort of a misstep, when the record companies started seeing the value of the dollar through Hip-Hop and stopped paying attention to building artists" Heavy D. will return to the stage tomorrow night at the House of Blues in Los Angeles for his first performance as a rapper in over a decade. via AllHipHop.com Wrestling with words- January 22, 2008 We don't think there are many writers that could beat us up. But just to be safe, we're gonna have to remember to be nice to John Irving , member of the National Wrestling Hall of Fame. via The Boston Globe UNCG benefits from writers' long friendship- January 15, 2008 "He goes about it in the way an athlete trains. That is a serious athlete." Their friendship spans 25 years. They've shared ideas, critiqued each other's work and discussed the works of other writers whom they admire. via News & Record Syndication Feed When your own world becomes real- January 7, 2008 "I saw a spider spin the egg sac described in the story" Really strange ... Humphrey Bogart in In a Lonely Place. Photograph: Kobal In ancient Sumer , a builder sometimes carved his name into the bricks of a temple he built. via |