The News & Politics Blog at phillyBurbs.comA blog at, a Calkins Media Incorporated company.Just a reminder, in all good humor- September 12, 2008 that there&8217;s a VP candidate who has suggested someone else from his party was more qualified to run in his place, who didn&8217;t know the difference between a battalion and a brigade, and who once referred to his running mate as &8220;bright, articulate and clean.&8221; And it isn&8217;t Sarah Palin. A place the in-laws wont visit- September 12, 2008 Bucks County is the land of the 5,000-square-foot home. But according to the New York Times, the Big House movement of the 90s is on its way out. The newest thing, at least for the eccentrics, is the 80-square-foot home. Yes, 80! Thats a difference of 4,920 square feet. No ... Meet the Factor- September 11, 2008 For me and other political junkies, Meet the Press was always the measuring stick for politicians. I have changed my opinions many times after watching a candidate field questions from the late Tim Russert. In this day of cable news, the OReilly Factor is now filling the void left by ... Are we safe- September 11, 2008 Lots of talk on TV this morning about the fact the the US has not been attacked in the last 7 years and perhaps that is to the credit of the Bush Administration. Seems reasonable to me. Though I wonder if the war has done more to make us less ... Relatives say the darndest things about Sept. 11- September 11, 2008 Below is a Sept. 11-related anecdote involving a family member who has had a profound influence on my life, but unfortunately, has a certifiable dolt for a husband. Every word is true; nothing has been embellished. Sept., 2003. I had been traveling and decided to spend a couple days with an ... Getting too close to big oil- September 11, 2008 The Democrats may be caving to the Republicans on drilling for oil. Compromise legislation is in the works. The bill includes an initiative to improve the collection of $10 billion in royalty payments from oil companies. Oddly, a story broke today saying the federal employees who collect such payments have ... Bin Laden said Americans couldnt take a long war; was he right- September 11, 2008 Just came across this story about New Jersey&8217;s &8220;support the troops&8221; charity going broke. Particularly sad to read that on Sept. 11. Osama bin Laden has often made references to America not having the stomach to endure a long war on terrorism. Is he right Mercer vs. Michener: The twain didnt meet- September 10, 2008 The Washington Post today has one of those out-of-town travel pieces on Doylestown. The headline is: Grandeur, Quaint Charms Mix in Pa. The article mentions the usual museums, shops, Victorian architecture and spends time on two of the towns most famous citizens: Henry Mercer and James Michener. While ... Video: Philly subway attack- September 9, 2008 By now, you&8217;ve probably heard the news of the hammer wielding man waste of DNA attacking a sleeping man on a Broad Street Line subway car yesterday. Raw video of the attack below. There seems to be a child in this psycho&8217;s care, everyone scatters, no one helps - just sickening ... The mortgage nightmare- September 8, 2008 Boy, if there is one thing that will confuse most of us for the next days, weeks, months, years, it&8217;s got to be the government bailout of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. $5 Trillion&8230;. need they say more. And government bailout usually means taxpayers will be giving ... |