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Feed items 1 - 10 of 20 for September 2008

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We are headed for The Great Depression II - September 17, 2008

If today&8217;s market slide continues, the first three days of trading this week will see the Dow slide more than 8 percent. We&8217;re looking at the biggest drop since the markets reopened after 9-11, which is something many of our 401(k)&8217;s haven&8217;t recovered from. Unemployment and prices are on the ...

Please be nice to Barack Obama - September 17, 2008

The media have found themselves right in the middle of the story this month. The hot topic for the last few weeks has been about the media and Sarah Palin. The gist of this comes from a majority opinion that the media has been too easy on Barack Obama. Not ...

John Rambo McCain vs Obama Bin Laden - September 17, 2008

Best Election Video of the Year! Sorry, Jib-Jab, you&8217;ve been outdone.

Isnt it the economy - September 17, 2008

Couple of things &8230; 1) Isn&8217;t it time to get off the ain&8217;t she cute Palin bandwagon and start talking about issues that matter to the majority of us. And hockey moms and lipstick aren&8217;t it. 2) How many more bailouts can a taxpayer handle OK, I understand AIG was ...

Host of Lower Makefield teen sex romp pleads guilty - September 15, 2008

Even though Angela Honeycutt has received a bulk of the ink in the Lower Makefield sleepover sex romp, let us not forget her co-defendant, Lynne Long-Higham. Without Long-Higham opening up her home and standing guard at the bathroom door, how else would Honeycutt have been able to engage in sexual acts ...

Its time for Halloween! - September 15, 2008

I know what you are thinking. Woah woah, Illuminati. Slow down. Summer just ended and you want us thinking about Halloween already Do you want to rush us through life and send us to an early grave (Honestly, yes. I don&8217;t like most of you.) You look at the ...

Are we used to economic failure - September 15, 2008

According to the Associated Press, a stunning reshaping of the Wall Street landscape sent stocks down sharply, but the pullback appeared relatively orderly _ perhaps because investors were unsurprised by the demise of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. and relieved by a takeover of Merrill Lynch &038; Co. So does that ...

Souderton teachers strike: How long will this one drag on - September 15, 2008

These things never seem to end well. The teachers say want salaries and benefits that merely equal those of the average Montgomery County school. Talks seem to be going nowhere and, for the time being at least, neither are students. But teachers will have to return on September 24, at ...

Wall Street set for a gloomy Monday - your retirement will be pushed off another 10 years today - September 15, 2008

Given the reaction of overseas markets, it seems obvious that the Dow, NASDAQ and every other U.S. market is going to get its teeth kicked in today. I heard on the radio that some economists are rather calmly predicting a drop between 300 and 400 points. Strap in folks, it&8217;s ...

What did you think of Mrs. Palin - September 13, 2008

The first segment of her interview with ABC&8217;s Charlie Gibson was last night &8212; another portion tonight. It wasn&8217;t like facing Meet the Press or Face the Nation, but I didn&8217;t see a whole lot of depth in her answers .. granted there are several parts of the interview. Round one goes ...
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- September (20 items)
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