Awake at the WheelA blog for biodiesel drivers, brought to you by Propel Biodiesel.NW Clean Energy Leaders Comment on Obamas Energy Plan at Propel Station- August 25, 2008 In support of energy day at the Democratic Convention, local clean technology leaders were given a chance to share their perspective on Obamas energy plan. The plan designed to positively affect both the environment and the economy calls for increased fuel efficiency standards for our vehicles, investment of $150 billion over the next ten years ... Propel Board Chair to speak at Democratic Convention- August 25, 2008 Nancy Floyd, Chair of Propels Board of Directors and Founder and Managing Director of Nth Power will speak during a primetime slot at this week&8217;s Democratic National Convention. With 30 years experience in the renewable energy industry, Nancy will address the importance of seizing the renewable energy opportunity to create jobs in America. Sahar Wali, a ... In Bloom. Propel Feedstocks add Color to Downtown Seattle.- August 25, 2008 We often get the question, where does Propels fuel come from Now is your chance to see some of the primary biodiesel fuel crops in bloom at our station in Downtown Seattle. Fuel sources change depending on the season, but Propel consistently provides the most local and sustainable fuels that meet our quality standards. The fuel ... Kenworth diesel hybrid truck: Prius with muscle- August 22, 2008 The Paccar-powered diesel hybrid offers the best of both worlds for urban fleets, with a 30 percent increase in fuel efficiency and a 37 percent reduction in emissions. Paccar, the parent company of Kenmore-based Kenworth Truck, certifies medium-duty engines up to B20 biodiesel meeting ASTM specs. This fall, Kenmore-based Kenworth Truck starts the rollout of the T270 ... NW Biodiesel Network Monthly Meeting on Tuesday August 26, 2008- August 22, 2008 Biodiesel - It&8217;s All About the Quality. How are we doing with testing biodiesel in our region and maintaining quality Learn the latest developments from Kirk Robinson of the Washington Department of Agriculture&8217;s Biofuels Standards Team. Get your questions answered! 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm, Seattle Phinney Center, 6532 Phinney Ave. N, Seattle WA 98103. Cost ... Anne Koren talks numbers, shows need for choice- August 15, 2008 Anne Korens straight talk on Americas oil dependence is a powerful message. Ann outlines the numbers in a presentation to Young Americas Foundation. The numbers outline the importance having a choice &38; competition in the transportation sector, and at the pump. America has 3% of the worlds oil reserves OPEC sits on 75% of the worlds oil ... Out of Gas Photo Gallery- August 1, 2008 Photographer Camilo Jos Vergara has captured abandoned filling stations on film for the past 30 years. Images show how America is moving away from fossil fuels, towards renewables. Propel wanted to share these striking images. View photo gallery Other work by Camilo Jos Vergara |