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Feed items 1 - 10 of 18 for May 2008

Daily Gosho Passage - 01 June - May 31, 2008

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Another passage from the Maka Shikan says, There are six causes of illness: 1) disharmony of the four elements 2) immoderate eating or drinking 3) poor posture 4) an attack by demons from without 5) the work of devils from...

Daily Gosho Passage - 31 May - May 30, 2008

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo That is because there has never before been anyone who taught the people at large to chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo! With respect to this virtue, is there anyone in the whole world who dares to face me and say he is my equal, an...

Daily Gosho Passage - 30 May - May 29, 2008

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo As for my parents in this lifetime, however, they not only gave me birth, but made me a believer in the Lotus Sutra as well. Thus I owe my present father and mother a debt far greater than I would had I been born into the ...

Daily Gosho Passage - 29 May - May 28, 2008

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo I am but an ignorant common mortal made of flesh and blood I have not rid myself of even a fraction of the three categories of illusion. Yet, for the sake of the Lotus Sutra, I have been reviled, slandered, attacked with sw...

Daily Gosho Passage - 23 May - May 27, 2008

Nam - Myoho - Renge - Kyo I have lived nearly fifty years and expect that I do not have much longer to live. Rather than vainly throwing my body away on a lonely plain, I would hope to give up my life for the sake of the supreme vehicle of the Lotu...

Daily Gosho Passage - 24 May - May 27, 2008

Nam - Myoho - Renge - Kyo You should only allow lay believers to chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo, because a name invariably extends to all of the functions of the body to which it belongs. Jussho-sho Gosho, p. 466 Nam - Myoho - Renge - Kyo

Daily Gosho Passage - 28 May - May 27, 2008

Nam - Myoho - Renge - Kyo One should determine heresy and truth only on the basis of doctrine, not on the basis of personal acumen or occult power. On Chanting the Daimoku of the Lotus Sutra Gosho, p. 233 Nam - Myoho - Renge - Kyo

Daily Gosho Passage - 27 May - May 27, 2008

Nam - Myoho - Renge - Kyo Shakyamuni Buddha is the helmsman, Taho Buddha mans the sails, and the Four Bodhisattvas led by Jogyo strain in unison at the creaking oars. This is the ship in a ship to make the crossing, the vessel of Myoho-Renge-Kyo. T...

Daily Gosho Passage - 26 May - May 27, 2008

Nam - Myoho - Renge - Kyo The Ninno Sutra states:...When enemies rise up on all four sides and invade the nation, when rebels appear both within the rulers family and without, when there are fire bandits, water bandits, wind bandits and demon bandit...

Daily Gosho Passage - 25 May - May 27, 2008

Nam - Myoho - Renge - Kyo In essence, the entity of Myoho-Renge-Kyo is the physical body that the disciples and followers of Nichiren who believe in the Lotus Sutra received from their fathers and mothers at birth. Such persons, who honestly discar...
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