Think Christian » LeadershipWelcome to, where we talk about Christ, culture and the ways that faith plays out in everyday life. We want to exercise our faith in every aspect of our lives: heart, soul and mind.Sherri Klouda, The SBTS and 1 Timothy- March 25, 2008 In 2006, Professor Klouda&8217;s contract was not renewed (which is a polite way of firing someone in academia) with the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. She was a Hebrew teacher, and the official position for her dismissal was because she&8217;s a woman. No other official position has been stated to my knowledge. Although ... Is your church redundant- March 6, 2008 How redundant is your church Is your church a cult of personality So asks Dan Edelen in a post about pastors and &8220;redundancy&8221; in church leadership. Dan&8217;s not asking if your pastor is a cackling, scheming cult leader who wields total control over his brainwashed congregation (although if that describes your church, you may have a ... |