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Feed items 1 - 3 of 3 for April 2008

Think Christian » In the News

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Only two candidates join faith forum - April 14, 2008

Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama faced tough questions at the Compassion Forum held at Messiah College Sunday. John Meacham, Newsweek editor, and Campbell Brown of CNN asked such questions as &8220;Why does a loving God allow suffering&8221; Senator Clinton answered, &8220;I dont know. I cant wait to ask Him.&8221; She added, &8220;For whatever ...

American Idol and Shout To The Lord, Take 2 - April 11, 2008

Did you get a chance to see this last night&8217;s American Idol results show The producers decided to open the show with &8220;Shout To The Lord&8221; again. This time when the final 8 sang it it had the correct word in the first line (My Jesus, My Savior). I, for one, applaud their willingness to ...

American Idol and Shout To The Lord - April 10, 2008

Did you watch Idol Gives Back last night Wow, did you miss a shocker, if you didnt Imagine all 8 final contestants, backed up with a choir and confetti flying everywhere, singing Shout To The Lord. It was so cool to see. Of all the messages that the producers of Idol Gives Back could have sent as ...
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