Tattoo MD Laser Tattoo Removal, Laser Hair Removal & More!Tattoo MD Medispa in Los Angeles, Specializing in Laser Tattoo Removal, Hair Removal, Botox, Juvederm, and Radiesse.Dr. Kaplans First Laser Tattoo Removal Session!- August 31, 2008 Last Friday, 829, Dr. Kaplan came in for his first tattoo removal session. The tattoo was fresh but well healed. It was approximately 2 weeks after the tattoo was placed. Dr. Kaplan had been using the Wrecking Balm on it every 3 days, but notes that it didn&8217;t seem to affect the ink on the ... Dr. Kaplan Got a Tattoo! (And is Getting it Removed!)- August 22, 2008 Dr. Kaplan, the medical director of Tattoo MD, got a tattoo placed on his right arm last Monday. This is not something you&8217;d expect from someone who specializes in laser tattoo removal, right The reason he got the tattoo was not because he really wanted to have that design on his skin. ... What To Do With an Unwanted New Tattoo- August 12, 2008 Tattoo regret may set in sooner for some people than for others. Typically, someone may get a tattoo that is different from what they wanted or expected. It might be the wrong color, shape, or design, or may contain a mistake, such as a misspelling. At Tattoo MD, we often get inquiries about what can be ... Article in Archives of Dermatology on Tattoo Removal- August 6, 2008 An article titled, &8220;Motivation for Contemporary Tattoo Removal; A Shift in Identity&8221; was released in the July, 2008 issue of the Archives of Dermatology. The study surveyed 196 tattooed patients presenting for laser tattoo removal from 2005-2006. Comparison was made to a similar survey in 1996. The study made several interesting observations. It noted that the ... |