AUP GIS ClassWelcome to the GIS Class Blog. I will use this space to assign classwork and homework as well as to store important class documents and resources.Formatting for the Quality of Life essay- November 28, 2006 We will use the MLA (Modern Language Association) style of formatting. Following this link to get details on the format. A summary is in your class notes from 1128. http:owl.english.purdue.eduowlresource55701 Links for Quality of Life Project- November 21, 2006 Here are some helpful research links for the Quality of Life project. If you have more to add, please post them in the comments: http:www.epa.govairdata - federal air quality data - Look for links to NYPD, sanitation, housing, etc. - Stand on the shoulders of giants - NYC neighborhood statistics - Transit... Favela Rising- November 14, 2006 Answer the following questions in the comments section of the blog: What was the transformative event in Anderson Sa's life What question did he ask himself over and over Do you think Anderson's work can make a difference in the Favela's of Brazil (not just Vigario Geral) Why or why not Urban Renewal in Brooklyn- November 10, 2006 Do you support or oppose the proposal to build a complex of skyscrapers and a basketball arena in Downtown Brooklyn Consider the impact on the Borough of Brooklyn and surrounding neighborhoods. What does Brooklyn need Does this project meet those needs Below you will find links to web resources in support of and in opposition to the proposal. Task: Visit web resources in support of and in opposition to the plan. Document your opinion in the comments section of. Makeup Quiz- November 8, 2006 Attached is the makeup quiz. Hand in yuor answers on a separate sheet of paper by Friday, November 10th. |