ArtCornerInterior Decorating Blog focusing on oil paintings, art and wall decor. A weblog devoted to home decorators with Interior design tips for decorating your office or home with handmade oil paintings.Monet Water Lily Sold for $80 Million- June 27, 2008 Earlier this week a Claude Monet water lily painting was sold for more than $80 million, breaking the record for the famous French artist the father of impressionism. The painting is called &8220;Water Lily Pond,&8221; which was part of a four-work collection of water lily paintings that Monet created during the latter part of his ... OKeeffe - More than Flowers- June 13, 2008 Georgia Totto OKeeffe, like most artists, had a life that was to say at the very least interesting. Georgia OKeeffe was a poor Midwest farm girl who became the first woman allowed to have one-woman art shows by major museums. When creating her works she liked to undress, get down on her knees and sketch onto ... Salvador Dali on Whats My Line- June 11, 2008 This ten minute clip is drawn from the famous 1950s game show, &8220;What&8217;s My Line&8221; It&8217;s so cool to see this beloved artist try and explain with yes and no answers what exactly does he do&8230; How would you describe Salvador Dali An artist first and foremost, but also a performer, writer, designer, animator, architect, creator&8230; ... Picassos Seven Lovers and Muse- June 3, 2008 Fernande, Eva, Olga, Marie-Therese, Dora, Francoise, Jacqueline. These were the women who shaped the life and art of Pablo Picasso. Fernande Olivier was Picassos first love. Her presence showed a significant change in his female nude art. He was a jealous lover and often kept Fernande locked up when he went out alone. Picasso left Fernande nine ... |