Tech Podcast NetworkThe official Blog of the Tech Podcast Network and the family of child safe technical podcasts.Are you going to PodCamp Ohio- June 23, 2008 I want to let the Tech Podcast Network members know that both Todd, Angelo and Brian&160;will be at PodCamp Ohio and will be available to meet with any of you that are at the event. Visit the PodCamp Ohio website for details and registration Some Important News Next Week- June 20, 2008 Are you coming out to the New Media Expo If so you will want to watch for our announcement next week as we guarantee we have teamed to put on the party of the year. We will also be talking about our New Media Vision and also introducing some long awaited product offerings. The team at RawVoice ... Announcing Tech Podcast Network Membership Drive- June 11, 2008 Over the past 3 years we have never actively went out and recruited members for the Tech Podcast Network. But over the next month we are going to have a recruiting drive. Members will be eligible for awards and prizes for their recruitment effort. We look forward to bringing in a large number of new ... TPN-2008-05-31 37 Tech Podcasts Round Table- June 1, 2008 We had a little bit of trouble with Talkshoe during this event and will likely be looking at alternative audio hosting solutions for the next event. We overcame the issues and went on to have a very good presentations that covers HP Mini Note Crossloop Lefora FriendFeed Rooms Feature Products and Sites we Discussed during todays live event hosted by ... |