Think Christian » RantWelcome to, where we talk about Christ, culture and the ways that faith plays out in everyday life. We want to exercise our faith in every aspect of our lives: heart, soul and mind.Middle-class Charity Tourism- December 21, 2007 Crunchy-Con has a post up about a suburban family giving gifts to a family that lives in a trailer park. Read the full post here. All 30&8212;30!&8212;of the beneficent visitors pile into the trailer to watch the scraggly urchins open their gifts. And the guy leaves satisfied that his children now know the True Meaning ... Music as the great Divisor- December 7, 2007 Recently, my family attended a very flashy worship service: lights, cameras, rock and roll. I&8217;ll admit even to my younger senses the ambiance proved to be distracting; however, this visual and aural assault really bothered my father. I don&8217;t think this is a, &8220;Oh, he&8217;s just stuck in his ways&8221; issue either. Because music ... Breaking news: Judas not a hero after all- December 3, 2007 Remember the buzz last year about the third-century Gnostic &8220;Gospel of Judas,&8221; which allegedly cast Judas as a hero (rather than villain) of the Gospel story We noted it here at TC, and it generated a fair amount of controversy and discussion, hitting the public eye just as the hype around the Da Vinci Code ... |