uwnews.org | RSS | Social Science news releases | University of Washington Office of News and InformationThis RSS news feed from uwnews.org, the University of Washington Office of News and Information, includes the last 40 in the Social Science category.Serious school failure turns out to be a real bummer for girls, but not boys- July 22, 2008 Adolescent girls who had a serious school failure by the 12th grade -- being expelled, suspended or dropping out -- were significantly more likely to have suffered a serious bout of depression at the age of 21 than girls who did not have these problems.http://uwnews.org/article.asp?articleid=42914 Asians who immigrated to U.S. before age 25 have poorer mental health than older immigrants- July 14, 2008 Asian-American immigrants who came to the United States before they were 25 years old have poorer mental health than their compatriots who came to this country when they were 25 or older.http://uwnews.org/article.asp?articleid=42816 |