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Feed items 1 - 5 of 5 for September 2008

Lingua Eurana Blog - September 17, 2008

Hallo, ich habe einen Blog ber die Lingua Eurana geschrieben. Wer Interesse hat, kann mal vorbeischauen. Einen schnen Gru Klaus Dieckmann (PS: This is an information for those who understand German.)

gendo - a way of language - September 14, 2008

gendo - a way of language eliminating linguistic obstacles to waking up from the millennia-old hallucination humans call reality ..youve been hypnotized... hijacked by your own language machine believe that the voice in ...

New sites for my conlangs. - September 3, 2008

I have set up a new site to document and publish my conlangs as they progress. Now I can start putting out content rather than wasting my time on presentation matters. Also SASXSEK now has its own domain. http:...

Concise notation for event-token reification - September 3, 2008

Hi, Im trying to find a concise form of event-token reification (as described by Donald Davidson). Im using types to avoid the need for parens. All functions have fixed arity and the only brackets left are those marking beginning and ending of block...

imminent death of usenet may be now - September 1, 2008

A tiny blog posting at http:tiger-spot.livejournal.com84412.html notes that things are getting mighty quiet in a lot of newsgroups and the authors university is dropping usenet. Every September we used to get an influx of new users -- college and...
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