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Feed items 1 - 5 of 5 for August 2008

Ayvariths Blog - August 26, 2008

Will Invented Languages include second-party reviews - August 12, 2008

One question I had about Invented Languages, the newsletter, revolves around its coverage of conlangs by other people. Do people only send in their own languages, or should this newsletter also allow people to review a conlang written by another pers...

Will Invented Languages include second-party reviews - August 12, 2008

One question I had about Invented Languages, the newsletter, revolves around its coverage of conlangs by other people. Do people only send in their own languages, or should this newsletter also allow people to review a conlang written by another pers...

Invitation to Ayvarith - August 7, 2008

Hi all this is just an invitation to visit my simple page: www.geocities.comayvarith Hope you read the about section before you proceed to other areas of the site. Im not a web developer thus I tried to keep it as simple as possible. Youll need Fl...

day before yesterday day after tomorrow - August 3, 2008

Many natlangs have a single word for the day before yesterday and a word for the day after tomorrow. How about your conlang Have you lexicalized these concepts BTW, does Esperanto have words for these To see some natlang examples, view this - htt...
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