Are we doing anything today?Everyday, a student walks into my classroom and asks, "Are we doing anything today?" Sometimes I ask myself the same question. I blog anonymously. If you think you recognize me, my school, or students, please protect my students' and my privacy in your comments.Merit Pay Back in the News- February 17, 2008 Time Magazine pubished a piece yesterday entitled, "How to Make Great Teachers," raising the issue -- annual, it seems -- of merit pay vs. the present system of college credityears in service for pay. I think I've commented on merit... Amused by the Muse- February 15, 2008 My students are finishing up their mythology projects. I was dinking around from blog to blog, reading what people are up to. I ended up at Kristin Gorski's "Write Now is Good," her blog about writing and creativity. Her lovely... Turnitin -- the discussion continues- February 11, 2008 I read over the links from Andy, JackieB, and Charles regarding and potential intellectual property rights violations. Harvard isn't the first university to turn down; a Canadian unversity had a couple of years ago for the similar reasons... My Thanks to the Muse.- February 9, 2008 One of my planning partners and I decided to include a mythology mini-unit this year, including a bit o' research. I have friends at other schools who've been doing myth projects for years, and someone at my school did some... Out for the Day. Again. And again. and again.- February 5, 2008 I have had to take a number of personal days this year which has been disruptive to my class. My kids are fine, though when I came in the other day (half day) I ran into the morning kids who... Online Discussions - an option- February 1, 2008 Our school uses for paper registrations. If you haven't used it, it's a subscription program in which schools register for a site license that allows teachers to create accounts for classes for paper submissions. When a paper is filed,... |