Stereo Radiation » PodcastsCapital Z and McG analyze audio clips of news stories and compliment the reporters on their meritorious journalism. Just kidding... we tear them apart. Abstract, absurd, abnoxious... new episodes twice a week.Episode 87: An Interesting Twist- August 29, 2008 Are you following me, camera guy We don&8217;t buy anything unless it comes recommended by Billy Mays or the Shamwow guy. Like nearly all of our contemporaries, we are wild for anything that is green or eco-friendly, and panicked over the prospect that automotive fuel may cost more the next time we buy it. This ... Episode 86: Short-Distance Dedication- August 26, 2008 The closing ceremonies for this show aren&8217;t nearly as flashy as those in Beijing. Frankly, neither are the opening ceremonies. We dive in to the Olympics like so many Greg Louganises, and continue the music-themed Tuesdays trend with &8220;Is it a man or a woman&8221; Lastly, listener email. There is so much going on in ... Episode 85: Clothing Optional- August 22, 2008 Look, nobody likes foreign objects in their food. Especially when you are at a classy place like Texas Roadhouse. But for some people, finding pubes in your sandwich can ruin the only source of joy in your life. Kitchen employees have been known to do even worse things. Like taking baths. Also, we discuss, are ... Episode 84: Young McJeezy- August 19, 2008 Listen in this week as our trivia challenge this week has McG sorting out: It is Yoko Ono or Bjork Two of the greatest mysteries of our lifetimes make their way into this episode. Firstly, does Bigfoot really exist And second, who ever let Yoko Ono be a singer Clearly, having a Beatle on your ... Episode 83: Tuna Powder- August 15, 2008 Penis. There, we said it. In China, where much of the world is focusing a great deal of attention right now, the penis is not just a reproductive organ, it is also a tasty delicacy served with a spicy dipping sauce. In this episode, we seem to dwell an awful lot on Wal-Mart, Jared, and ... Episode 82: Coffee Chicks Gone Wild- August 13, 2008 The reason China has been so warm and inviting is no secret: they are simply showing customer appreciation. Because China is such a huge manufacturer, this will be the first Olympics to feature a Toyotathon. Tune in for a tale of topless baristas, and as a bonus, they are women. We also have a letter ... Episode 81: Smelly Pizza Theory- August 8, 2008 A hoax perpetrated on the American public: Was it a rotting body or a bag of pizza Fortunately, Floridians have 7 on their side, to come through like Mythbusters. Another hoax is blown wide open by astronaut and lunar explorer Edgar Mitchell, who believes that that the government is covering up UFO and alien encounters. ... Episode 80: Turn It On Again- August 5, 2008 Is it Genesis or Phil Collins Join in as we play the game in which you have to identify the song as having originated from one or the other. No cash, no prizes. Void where prohibited. It is our way of ushering in the Eighties of this podcast, so knit yourself some leg warmers and ... Episode 79: Will Work For Food- August 1, 2008 Shakedown 1979. We are so fed up with people trying to rip us off while providing no value, that we get on the topic and never get to the audio clips we had ready to go. Along the way, we discuss, tipping etiquette in pet stores, able-bodied panhandlers and parking rip-offs. We imagine a few ... |