American Conservative News Politics & Opinion - The Land of the Free » Sharon HughesThe Land of the Free presents articles and news about the world and the United States from a conservative, libertarian and classical liberal point of view.Make Memorial Day Memorable- May 26, 2008 Every time Memorial Day and Veterans Day comes around my mind goes to the many times I've attended parades and special observances put on by the cities in our area and the various veterans organizations. Several of those times my husband, Duane, participated in parades and events as a candidate for U.S. Congress. SF Mayor Ecstatic over Gay Marriage Ruling- May 23, 2008 San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom couldn't have been more ecstatic nor clear about his position on last week's ruling by the California Supreme Court making gay marriage legal in the state. "It was an exhilarating feeling, that's the best I can describe it," Newsom said Some are Against the National Day of Prayer- May 4, 2008 The National Day of Reason is a deliberate counter to the National Day of Prayer scheduled on the same day as the National Day of Prayer -- Thursday, 1 May 2008. Why are they doing this Here's what they say on their website: |