Think Christian » ApologeticsWelcome to, where we talk about Christ, culture and the ways that faith plays out in everyday life. We want to exercise our faith in every aspect of our lives: heart, soul and mind.Does Special Revelation Have General Revelation in a Stranglehold- November 20, 2007 I found this article on Christianity Today through Exploring Our Matrix. The main thrust of Moreland&8217;s session with the Evangelical Theological Society seems to be concerning the proper understanding of sola scriptura and the interplay between special revelation (i.e. miracles, prophecy, the bible) and general revelation (i.e. physical universe, human conscience, providence) I found this quotation compelling: ... Feet Washing- November 15, 2007 Click on the picture for a larger version Thoughts I&8217;d be interested to hear both your initial reaction and how it settles with you. Heavenly Sanctuary commissioned this image for their Good News Tour and I found it via Pastor Greg Boyd&8217;s blog. He discusses some of the controversy in his post Washing Osama&8217;s Feet. From ... |