The Truth About Cars » DodgeThe Truth About Cars is dedicated to providing candid, unbiased automobile reviews and the latest in auto industry news.Dodge Charger Police Vehicle Review- September 19, 2007 The cop spec Dodge Charger is a high-mileage mule for first responders who take that &8220;first&8221; bit seriously. As any pre-pubescent male will tell you, this &8220;race to the scene of the crime andor chase the bad guy in my bad ass American sedan&8221; bit sits right at the top of the list of &8220;why I want to be a cop when I grow up.&8221; In fact, it&8217;s so deeply grained in the male psyche that starting-up the cop spec Dodge Charger forced me to fight an overwhelming urge to... Dodge Grand Caravan Review- September 14, 2007 My initial reaction to the 2008 Dodge Grand Caravan: &8220;What were you guys thinking&8221; The new minivan&8217;s boxy, big-nosed exterior flies in the face of two decades of design evolution. The equally artless interior is awash in plastic that looks as hard as it feels and feels as hard as it looks. But then, while driving one, it hit me: Chrysler is targeting men. Not metrosexuals. Not pistonheads. They&8217;re looking to lure manly men: the kind of guys who buy pickup trucks (real... Dodge Charger SRT8 Super Bee Review- September 12, 2007 If you time-traveled back to 1964 and told a muscle car buyer that his ride would be a respected classic 40 years hence, he&8217;d call you crazier than Khrushchev. Muscle cars were fun on the cheap. You got what you didn&8217;t pay for:&160; nonexistent handling, pathetic drum brakes, two and three speed automatic transmissions and efficiency measured in gallons per mile (which was no biggie at the time). Thirty years later, Chrysler and Dodge are leading the charge down muscle car memory... |